Releasing Anger from the Body
Debra Carr Debra Carr

Releasing Anger from the Body

Anger is a healthy emotion when it is expressed in a manner which is its purpose. Anger lets us know something is not working in our lives and has the energy within it to create movement towards what will work better for us. Unfortunately we live in a society which does not often teach us how to express our anger so we often stop the movement. When we stop the flow of our anger it can get stuck in our bodies. Being able to safely express or release the anger from our bodies allows for the energy within us to move freely again.

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Energy Flow & the Connection to the Nervous System
Debra Carr Debra Carr

Energy Flow & the Connection to the Nervous System

Have you been experiencing exhaustion during the day, even though you may have had a good night’s sleep? Let’s look at how our energy flows in and around our bodies and connect these patterns with what is physiologically occurring in our nervous system.

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Rest and Digest
Debra Carr Debra Carr

Rest and Digest

Our Parasympathetic Nervous System undoes the work of the Sympathetic Nervous System after a stressful situation. As we slow down, blood flow returns to our internal organs and our heart rate and blood pressure slows down. Our digestion increases and the sphincter muscles in our digestive track relaxes.

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Healing Activation
Debra Carr Debra Carr

Healing Activation

When the mind is settled, the body can shift more easily into the parasympathetic nervous system, allowing your calm response to turn on.

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Stress Response
Debra Carr Debra Carr

Stress Response

The more practice we have in supporting our body, mind and emotions to respond in a relaxed manner, the better able we are to call on this response during a stressful situation. Ultimately, this is the goal we are working towards. Stress can not be avoided. It is how we learn to cope in stressful circumstances which makes the difference.

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Benefits of Group Healing
Debra Carr Debra Carr

Benefits of Group Healing

Are you ready to create the space you need to heal your stress? The Healing Activation Group is a sacred healing space for women to gather in silence and listen to a Healing Activation.

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Creating Balance in Our Life
Debra Carr Debra Carr

Creating Balance in Our Life

Balance means a natural flowing life where the new can come in and the old can move on. When we are out of balance is when we cling to the old or block the new.

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Witnessing our Inter-Connectedness
Debra Carr Debra Carr

Witnessing our Inter-Connectedness

When it comes to inter-connectedness, the translation from the bible really pertains here: “Do onto others as you would have others do onto you.”

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Where does Inner Strength come from?
Debra Carr Debra Carr

Where does Inner Strength come from?

It takes courage sometimes to follow your Soul’s wisdom. Sometimes there are no guidelines as the path has not been walked yet. Other times your purpose goes against the norms within your family, community or culture. Currently there are many who are being called to be pioneers within our communities and bring a new paradigm of values and principals to our systems. This takes Strength. Full stop.

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Debra Carr Debra Carr


Allow yourself to open up to the part of you which is strong, stable and silent - like an old wise woman.

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Letting Go & Allowing
Debra Carr Debra Carr

Letting Go & Allowing

Each word - letting go, surrendering, allowing, yielding - are action words. Each action word imparts the wisdom to cease doing what you are trying to do and just Be. For each action, you remain actively present and supported. The support comes from a location other than your mind - your heart or your belly.

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Engaging With Your Power
Debra Carr Debra Carr

Engaging With Your Power

A Whole Person approach in counselling allows for the engagement of all aspect of your Being to inform and create changes in your life. With your Inner Being leading the power within you can flow and interact with your ego, analytical mind and observational mind opening you up to new potentials.

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Creating Peace of Mind
Debra Carr Debra Carr

Creating Peace of Mind

When we desire peace it starts with the thoughts within our own head, not our external environment.

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Nurturing Self Trust
Debra Carr Debra Carr

Nurturing Self Trust

The trick is to follow the string, the piece where the crystal clear tone was strongly felt and opening up to the possibilities that arise there.

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