Witnessing our Inter-Connectedness

One of the main reasons I choose the meditation I use in my sessions with clients is, near the end of the guided meditation it supports you to feel your inter-connectedness with others. Bringing awareness to this quality in our relationships really became important to me when the lockdown was coming to an end in May. I could not let go of the sense that if we were more aware of our inter-connectedness, the world would be a better place for all of us.

One of the benefits of the lockdown was the reality we were collectively impacted by the same event, even if we had our own reaction or response to it. For me personally, living in the city where noise is a constant, the deep quiet that settled all around me was profoundly peaceful. With the removal of the noise pollution I discovered I could feel my connection to others better.

During the lockdown, I invited friends of mine to join me in the morning to do one of Dr Joe Dispenza’s meditations, Project Coherence: Raising the Earth’s Electromagnetic Field. This guided meditation supports your awareness of the energy within you, in your room, neighoubourhood, beyond the earth, unified field and centre of the earth. Nurturing this awareness and doing so in a group setting, even if the group was online, supported each of us to build our inter-connectedness, which continues to this day.

There is another part to the meditation where you connect to a higher vibrational emotion like gratitude, peace falling in love with life or kindness and then radiating whichever feeling you are resonating with that day. What I discovered was throughout my day I could continue to access the feeling I had radiated during the meditation as it was still in my home. Just as importantly, I could also feel the inter-connectedness with the women I had meditated with.

As of this week, the city I live in, Vancouver, B.C., has placed more restrictions on gatherings, businesses and movement of individual, as have many provinces and countries. This time around we know what to expect. I don’t know about you, but when I have been out in public the fear of others is more noticeable. If you can feel the growing fear of others, this is an example of your awareness of your inter-connectedness to those around you.

In the days and months ahead, there will be many who could really benefit from knowing and feeling that they are not alone. If you are one of them, being able to experience your inter-connectedness could assist you with this and benefit those you are connected to.

So, how does one feel their connection to another?

Have you ever thought of someone and then your phone suddenly rings and it’s them? How about your pet greeting you at your door? Or, knowing deep in your belly that something has happened to your child or a loved one?

These are all examples of being inter-connected.

We can develop this skill consciously. The most direct way is during a meditation where after you are grounded and relaxed you expand your awareness to beyond your body, then the room, neighbourhood, city, country, planet and universe. Then reverse the order so when you end the expansion of your awareness you are back in your body. Play with the exercise and stop on one or more of the levels and really feel and notice what you are experiencing at that location. Notice if there are differences in the location when you reverse the order. You also don’t have to do all of the locations. You can add loved ones to the mix, especially if your loved ones are not nearby or your lockdown is preventing physical contact with them. This will strengthen your connection with them and potentially decrease your loneliness. Please note, it is important to ground into the earth when you return into your body, especially if you will be driving afterwards.

Another way to connect is to build your intuitive skills by practicing distant readings. You can do this with a friend, friends or family members and make a game out of it. Each of you can write a word on a piece of paper or have a specific object you are focusing on. Take turns, where one of you focuses on the word or object and the others close their eyes and tune in to the object or word and see what they get. Give each person 30 seconds to a minute to tune in and then write down or state what they got when everyone has opened their eyes. Doing this exercise builds your ability to intuit which is a component of being aware of your inter-connectedness.

Another idea is to send compassion, gratitude or lovingkindness to those you know could benefit from some tender loving care. When you intend for another to be well, you too receive the benefit of the intention. All of us could use an extra dose of kindness in these times.

Please note, as Dr Joe Dispenza’s meditation demonstrated, our inter-connectedness is to everything - the earth, animals, plants, trees, etc. You can practice your inter-connectedness with any living being. Anyone who has a pet is aware of the value of this inter-connectedness.

If you need to feel connected with others, simply think of them, especially with joy and love.

Be aware that when you think of another with feelings of anger, grief, disgust, or judgement, this can be felt by them, even if they are unaware of the actual content of your thoughts. It is natural to have negative feelings towards another but do try to limit ruminating on your thoughts as in the long run it will do neither of you any good. This does not mean avoid processing your feelings, situation or relationship. The important part to remember is we are all inter-connected. This means there is an energetic cord between you which circulates the feelings back and forth between you.

When it comes to inter-connectedness, the translation from the bible really pertains here: “Do onto others as you would have others do onto you.”

On the road ahead, and in this moment in time, I wish you many blessings.

About Debra

Debra is a Clinical Social Worker (MSW) and certified Integrative Energy Healing Practitioner (IEHP) with over 25 years of clinical experience in somatic healing, trauma counselling, CBT, mental health and lifestyle coaching. She has an avid interest in health and nutrition from her years of personal self-care. She combines her personal and professional wisdom and experience using a somatic therapy approach to support women access their personal wisdom and transform their lives.


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