Healing Activation

In the 1970’s Dr Herbert Benson (Benson-Henry Institute and Harvard Medical School) coined the term relaxation response to describe “A physical state of deep rest that changes the physical and emotional responses to stress and is opposite of the fight-or-flight response.”

Relaxation techniques are a great way to help with stress management and induce the relaxation response.

The benefits of relaxation techniques, according to the Mayo Clinic are:

  • Slowing heart rate

  • Lowering blood pressure

  • Slowing breathing rate

  • Improving your digestion

  • Maintaining normal blood sugar levels

  • Reducing activity of stress hormones

  • Increasing blood flow to major muscles

  • Reducing muscle tension and chronic pain

  • Improving concentration and mood

  • Improving sleep quality

  • Lowering fatigue

  • Reducing anger and frustration

  • Boosting confidence to handle problems

A Harvard study ( August 2011) comparing 19 healthy adults who had a long term practice of using relaxation techniques in comparison to 19 healthy adults who did not practice a relaxation technique and found that the relaxation response can turn certain genes on or off. The genes were involved with controlling how the body handles free radicals, inflammation processes, and cell death.

There has since been further research studies which have confirmed these findings in both novice and advanced practitioners of relaxation techniques ( Manoj K. Bhasin, et al.). What this research is demonstrating is the connection between mind and body.

Relaxation techniques support you to refocus your attention on something calming and increasing your awareness of your body. The key is to practice regularly to receive the best benefits and in order for genetic changes to persist. Repetitive practice enables you to engage the relaxation response to help you regulate in times of stress.

Healing Activation as a Relaxation Technique

A healing activation brings awareness to parts of your body, much like the progressive muscle relaxation technique does. Yet, instead of tensing and releasing your muscles, you actively relax the muscle you are focused on. The healing activation supports your natural deep breathing. Through guided visualization the mind is provided instructions which supports the stillness of the mind. When the mind is settled, the body can shift more easily into the parasympathetic nervous system, allowing your calm response to turn on. As the body fully relaxes, new energy is available for the body to use to heal.

A healing activation is different from a meditation. In an activation, the energy field for healing is actively available, which allows your body, mind, and emotions to resonate with and remember the stillness, love and healing which is always available. In a meditation we can be guided to focus on one point - our breath, a mantra or to Source or the Earth. Whereas in an activation you are very present within your body, yet with a relaxed and stilled mind.

In the healing activation group, each of the participants responding to the healing energy field creates a stronger field for everyone participating to deepen their own and the collective relaxation response. The relaxation response stays with you throughout your day and/or can be accessed more readily in times of stress.

Creating a daily habit of relaxing can be a challenge. The benefit of supporting a new habit with a group of like minded individuals is there is community support and understanding. Emerging Wellness’ Healing Activation Groups have two focuses. In the morning, the activation group focuses solely on healing and creating a loving environment for the healing. In the evening group, the focus is on stilling the mind, as you prepare for sleep and relaxing the body to heal during sleep. Both groups are nurturing and supportive.

If you are experiencing stress, depression or anxiety, a healing activation group is a stress free way to begin a new habit. If you are a long term practitioner of relaxation techniques yet are experiencing physical or emotional symptoms related to stress, a healing activation group maybe the environment your body, mind and emotions need to nurture and deepen your ability to heal and relax.

About Debra

Debra is a Clinical Social Worker (MSW) and certified Integrative Energy Healing Practitioner (IEHP) with over 25 years of clinical experience in somatic healing, trauma counselling, CBT, mental health and lifestyle coaching. She has an avid interest in health and nutrition from her years of personal self-care. She combines her personal and professional wisdom and experience using a somatic therapy approach to support women access their personal wisdom and transform their lives.


Rest and Digest


Stress Response