Benefits of Group Healing

I had the experience the other day of attending group and asking for help for a health issue which has effected me for years. I have digestive pain throughout the day and at night the pain wakes me from a deep sleep effecting my ability to get back to sleep.

What happened next is not how I anticipated help and yet the support was the breakthrough I needed. The teacher had the other women on the call feel love. As I felt the love and witnessed what I was experiencing in my own body, she had the women in the group match my experience for themselves. So, not only was I benefitting but everyone in the group was too. A collective healing field of energy was being formed.

Initially I was not a good receiver. Like so many women, I am better at giving than receiving. I admit, I did not at first fully understand the effects the healing was having on the whole group. Why? I was in my head instead of in my body and heart.

Gradually my teacher held the space for me to witness how I was stuck and not allowing myself to receive. When I did surrender, the digestive pain I was experiencing during the group shifted. The gas and movement which usually results in sharp pain occurred without pain. And, just as importantly, when I went to bed that night and woke up several times to sharp pain, I was able to allow the healing energy of love to flow through my body and the pain disappeared and I fell instantly back to sleep.

There are many take aways from this experience - surrender my mental chatter and impulse to think of others before myself; witness and allow myself to not just receive until I notice but to relax into the receiving and fully allow myself the opportunity of the receiving of love or healing energy.

Yet, one of the most powerful lessons was the benefit of being in a group, all doing the same thing, and witnessing the benefit for everyone. When everyone was allowing themselves to receive love, the opportunity for me to do the same for myself increased. Why? Receiving is not done with the head. Receiving is done with the heart and the heart is where our self love resides.

The foundation of love already exists within each of us. Self love is not something one needs to teach themselves. Instead, self love needs to be nourished. Feeling love around you and within you nourishes the self love. Self love is life force energy.

Being in a group where the focus is on supporting love, healing and life force energy allows your own body and heart to remember and open up to receiving. The nurturance of the group creates the opportunity for you to receive the deep healing you need to heal the stressors in your life and the effects mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.

Emerging Wellness’ Healing Activation Group is a sacred healing space for women to gather in silence to listen to the healing voice of Sarah McCrum and the music of Gary Malkin. The healing activation is like a progressive muscle relaxation exercise, but so much more. Sarah McCrum’s words and energy hold the field of what is being spoken so that your body responds easily and effortlessly. The soothing music creates the ease for the mind to follow the body. Gary Malkin healed his chronic back pain by doing the healing activation daily for a year.

To hear more about activations and hear a sample of the healing activation Emerging Wellness uses, click on the link.

Are you ready to create the space you need to heal your stress?

The first session of the Healing Activation is free.

The Healing Activation Group runs online daily at 8:30 am and 8:30 pm PST.

Interested in attending the group yet the time does not work with your schedule or time zone? Message me at and lets discuss options. I currently have a waitlist for EST interested members.

Now is the time to prioritize your self care and allow the healing energy of the group and activation to support your wellbeing.

About Debra

Debra is a Clinical Social Worker (MSW) and certified Integrative Energy Healing Practitioner (IEHP) with over 25 years of clinical experience in somatic healing, trauma counselling, CBT, mental health and lifestyle coaching. She has an avid interest in health and nutrition from her years of personal self-care. She combines her personal and professional wisdom and experience using a somatic therapy approach to support women access their personal wisdom and transform their lives.


Stress Response


Creating Balance in Our Life