
There is an aspect of our Self which could be in strong reaction to the world around it at this time. She maybe angry, confused, scared, flabbergasted, stunned. Her behavioural choices may remind you of a child’s unfiltered behaviour - lashing out, getting really quiet, wanting to hide, trying to do things perfectly.

This is your ego trying to make sense of your world right now. All perfectly understandable responses.

What she needs is gentleness from another part of you.

There is a part of you who is grounded, calm and centred in the eye of the chaos around her. She is usually located in your heart or in your belly. Breathe deeply into your belly, even if she is in your heart. If you are in a panic state at this time, breathing into your heart can increase the panic. So breathe into your belly, your lower belly.

Allow yourself to open up to the part of you which is strong, stable and silent - like an old wise woman. Naturally allow the gentle wisdom this part of you carries to sooth the part of you that is rattled. The rattled part does not have to do anything. Your awareness of your wise woman and your breath is all that is necessary. Her gentle presence being allowed to be noticed will naturally expand with each breath. The energy in your belly may feel like a ball. With each breath, at its own pace, the ball may expand. It may stay as a pin prick, or grow to fill your whole body and around your body. There is no right or wrong. Just breathe.

This wise woman part of you is your Soul. This gentle, wise part of you helps to calm the distressed part of you. Once your distress has settled, ask your wise self “what can you be doing for yourself to be more gentle with yourself, to take care of yourself?” And, if it feels right, ask “what can you do to gently take care of those around you or in your community?”

Be kind, gentle and compassionate towards yourself and others at this time of division and change.

About Debra

Debra is a Clinical Social Worker (MSW) and certified Integrative Energy Healing Practitioner (IEHP) with over 25 years of clinical experience in somatic healing, trauma counselling, CBT, mental health and lifestyle coaching. She has an avid interest in health and nutrition from her years of personal self-care. She combines her personal and professional wisdom and experience using a somatic therapy approach to support women access their personal wisdom and transform their lives.


Where does Inner Strength come from?


Letting Go & Allowing