Mind, Body, Emotion, Spirit

Emerging Wellness Individual Counselling and Healing Activation Groups

Emerging Wellness Approach

Whole Person Approach to Wellness

Emerging Wellness Services

Individual Therapy

Based on your individual needs, I use dialogue to engage with you to address what issues you want supported and transformed. Based on your need and comfort, I use classic talk therapy or somatic informed therapy. The classic therapy address your day to day functioning and skills required to navigate your life so you are functioning more fully.

Somatic informed therapy gently accesses your unconscious memories from unresolved issues or traumatic events. In order for lasting transformation to take place, in regards to trauma, you need to move away from the known and into the unknown.  Simply talking about an issue generates more of the same concerns in a different way. Accessing the unconscious memories held within the body allows some of the unknown to enter the therapeutic dialogue. The unconscious communicates using metaphors in either your thoughts, body sensations or images.  When we allow both the body and the observational mind to connect with your Inner Being we have full access to the unknown.  With your own Inner Being leading the healing process the counselling session is guided from within.  My role as the therapist is to deeply listen to how you are being guided and to support you in following your inner wisdom.

Therapy sessions are covered by Extended Benefits for Insurance Plans which include coverage for MSW/RSW.

Initial Assessment | 90 minutes | $200

Individual Session | 60 minutes | $135

Free 20 minute Chat

Investing in your health and wellbeing is important. If we have never met, how do you know doing so with me is in your best interest? Let’s chat for 20 minutes and discover together if we will be a good fit for each other. And, if we are, what services that Emerging Wellness provides is the best for you to nurture your health and wellbeing.


What People are Saying

Debra’s sessions have really helped me in a lot of situations. I now ground myself, breathe and don’t panic. I am tapping more into my intuition. I can go into that place of joy within me. When I started seeing her I was in a really negative place in my life where everything was falling in on me. Her sessions helped me go beyond that and come out the other side and be glad I got to the other side. The guided meditation was essential to the transformative experience I had. It really helped me to ground myself and be ready to receive.

- Else

For me, this has been an unbelievable experience. The results are, I can almost reach out and touch them, but they are spiritual, so I can’t do that. It has been a real eye opening experience for me. And it’s been a real acceptance of myself. Accepting me is nice. I really like it!

- Diane

Lending a hand to unlock the wisdom within.