The answers to your wellbeing lie within you.

Unlock your wisdom.


Together We Can Create Health & Wellness in Your Life

When we have experienced trauma in our life our triggers can be experienced as stress or overwhelm. We can start to lose our sense of self which can affect all of our relationships. I create a supportive space for you to cultivate a greater depth of self awareness, compassion, acceptance and resilience so you can become more aware of how your trauma is effecting you. In doing so, you can regain your sense of self and build healthier relationships. I use a combination of therapeutic modalities which support a body, mind, emotion, spirit and community approach based on your unique needs. I believe you are the expert of you and my role is to support you to live your best life and navigate the steps it takes to make the changes you want.

Emerging Wellness supports women transform their life.

Sessions can be either online or in person.

Sessions are covered by Extended Benefits for Insurance Plans which cover the provision of clinical social work services.

Meet Debra Carr, MSW, RSW

Debra is a Social Worker (MSW, RSW) with over 25 years of clinical experience. She uses a holistic approach to support your overall health and wellbeing. Some of the modalities she uses are: somatic informed therapy, polyvagal practices, cognitive behaviour therapy, trauma informed therapy, solution focused therapy, family dynamics, relational therapy, mindfulness, strength based, mental health and addictions counselling, spirituality informed coaching and lifestyle coaching.  She has an avid interest in health and nutrition from her years of personal self-care.  She combines her personal and professional wisdom to support women to access their personal wisdom and transform their lives.

Holistic Therapy

Holistic Therapeutic Approach

I use talk therapy and somatic informed therapy which supports your connection to your body, mind, emotions and spirit. From this embodied place we address the issue which has arisen or a specific issue or concern you want to work with. This Whole Person perspective deepens not only your relationship with your self, but also your connection with others and your environment.

Supporting Women to


Listen Within to Heal

  • Learn how your intuition communicates and trust your messages more deeply

  • Awaken and nurture your conscious awareness

  • Gain Clarity and awareness of your feelings and their messages

  • Deepen your Extra sensory Depth Perception so you can Listen, Hear, Feel, Know and See better

  • Learn how to communicate your needs with others so you are heard

Deepen your Somatic Awareness

  • Understand how your Body Communicates

  • Release Trauma held in the Body Safely

  • Create Tools for Healthy Boundaries

  • Learn the Value of being an Empath or Being Sensitive

  • Gain awareness of your nervous systems response and the tools to support a more flexible response

Strengthen your Resilience

  • Become aware of your Cognitive Behavioural Patterns

  • Entrain and create new neural pathways

  • Increase your Self awareness, Self-acceptance and Self-realization

  • Strengthen your Relationship with Yourself, Others & your Environment

  • Transform your past trauma and lessons into post traumatic growth


Debra’s Holistic approach is eye-opening in discovering not only what we hold within us but also what joy we can find within ourselves in really hard times. I go about my days differently and with a greater sense of awareness.

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